11 June 2009

Khalie, who loves the Sea

I met Khalie walking along the seafront in Menton and took a few photos but she wasn't settled and her owner told me she was anxious to get to one of the dog beaches, so a little later I caught up with them.

Here you see this gorgeous 5 year old Labrador, who lives in Menton, waiting for the ball to be thrown into the sea. 'Throw it, throw it!'

In the last photo she's bringing the ball back for MORE.

Labs just love water, don't they?


Anonymous said...

What a face! Khalie looks so content. And look at that water, how beautiful. It has been cloudy/rainy for the past few days where I live, so the sun, the sea, and, of course, the dog are inspiring. Thank you.

Lessie said...

These photos are so precious. Love the color of the rocks and the sea.

Teri said...

Now that's one happy dog! And who knew the waters of the Med could look so tropical?? Lovely, tempting shot - wish I could join her in the sea.

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

Great photos. Great dog. Great breed. We had a Yellow Lab for our children when they were growing up. Because we were in Arizona, the dog was named "Tortilla." She loved to swim in the pool and was a wonderful companion for the children.

Owen said...

Hi Jilly, what a gorgeous lab ! Swimming in the sea, with a tennis ball, what could be better ?!? Pure happiness !

Don't know if you saw the dog & tennis ball shots I posted day before yesterday, but had you in mind when working on that... you may have to go past a few cat pictures to get to them now though, hope you don't mind cats, in view of your evident love for dogs? Anyway, beautiful post here, glad I found your blog... (Thanks Nathalie !)

lady jicky said...

Looks lovely and warm your neck of the woods and that sea!!!!

maria said...

Unbelievable but my sweet old black lab George is terrified of water. If he only knew what he's missing...........

Blind Fly Theater said...

I wouldn't blame Khalie for being anxious for that beautiful water! Thanks Jilly for returning and taking these skillful shots of this magnificent creature... she is especially beautiful in the first shot.


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