25 August 2009


Copyright 2009 Riviera Dogs. All rights reserved.

Do you think if this labrador put her nose any nearer the ground, she could smell the scent any better?! This is 3 year old Maya, a yellow Labrador who lives in Lille, in northern France but was on holiday in the camping grounds of Gorbio village.

Isn't she gorgeous and isn't she having a good holiday?

The smells that day were particularly interesting as Maya had attended the Blessing of the Animals in Gorbio village alongside a lot of horses and I suspect, in the top photo, she has picked up a the scent of a horse.


Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

Great photos of a great dog. We had a Yellow Lab for our children when they were growing up. Her name was Tortilla, as her fair color resembled a tortilla.

By the way, Julie and I have a photo of a dog lounging in the sun by the seaside in Morocco in our new www.VivalaVoyage.com site for some of our travel photos.

Gail said...


@eloh said...

Now she can sneak up on the horses and they will just think it is one of their unwashed own.

Teri said...

Oh, the dreaded "tuck & roll" in the 3rd photo! Maya grins, a very happy dog.

Anonymous said...

Awe, Maya is so sweet. Nice name for a dog too.

lady jicky said...

That is one happy dog!

TC said...

Reminds me of Mugsey, only lighter. Such sweet dogs.

Virginia said...

I lOVE Maya and want to take her home with me. What a great shot that top on is. I'm glad Maya got her blessing!


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