Meet Kisha. She lives in Mandelieu, which is along the coast a bit. Kisha is 7 years old and looks a bit like a Briard gone wrong, but in fact she is registered as a Griffon x. Her coat doesn't look like a Griffon to me.
She's a beautiful dog, so gentle, so polite. Very shy yet wags her tail enthusiastically when you talk to her. I've a very soft spot for Kisha.
Griffon x --- Jilly Griffons are small !!!
I bet Kisha is cross too about being called this ! LOL
Such a beautiful face and coat . . .
Lady Jicky, there is the Griffon Bruxellois which is small but in France it seems every shaggy dog with a wiry coat (Kisha's isn't wiry) is called a Griffon x. I've had several to stay here - large dogs and called Griffon x. Always the cutest faces and usually a hound variety but must have some terrier in them presumably.
that face would melt any heart.
Those eyes look directly into my soul.
Kisha has a very happy face!
I was just visiting another picture on this page, that of a lovely Guide Dog, which reminded me that there is a local man who has a Standard Poodle as his guide dog. When I first saw her, I was very surprised as she was stepping along so daintily and so carefully, not that purposeful plodding most others seem to have. She was black then, but when I last saw her with her owner a couple years ago she was turning grey, so maybe she's a silver. Anyway, I say "she" because her appearance was so sweetly feminine, she couldn't have been male. Perhaps there were allergy issues that prompted her selection for her career?
Speedway, I've heard of poodles being used as Guide Dogs but you could be right that allergy issues were involved. Good to hear it worked out. Such intelligent dogs.
I have a MaLe dog who LooKs exactLy LiKe your dog
Hi I live in the uk and my boy dog looks just like the dog in the picture,we believe him to be a cross Yorkshire terrier x bearded collie
Pretty blonde lady dog... what does her hair feel like, and any more pics of her?
My dog looks exactly the same and i dont know how to post a pic but he is the spitt of this lovely girl .. :)
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