As is obvious, these are street dogs - meaning they belong to an 'sdf' (which stands for
sans domicile fixe = no fixed abode) Unfortunately, since I met these dogs, they've been stolen. But let's start at the beginning....
I met them outside Marche U, a supermarket in Roquebrune. The one on the left is Capsule - she's a Dobermann crossed with a German Short-haired Pointer and she's 18 months old. She came from the refuge in Ventimiglia, just across the Italian border.
The big boy is Carnage and he's three and a half and he's a mix of a Dogue de Bordeaux and Bull Mastiff.
I took the photos on the 25th June and hadn't yet got around to putting them on Riviera Dogs but a couple of days ago had an email from a friend of the owner to say, they'd been stolen from him in Nice and could I send her the photographs to use in trying to get them back.

Some people I know won't be happy to see any dog living in the street but you can at least see they are not thin and have a blanket to sleep on. Are they happy? Well, I leave that up to you. At the moment, no one knows where they are. Let's hope they've been picked up by someone who will find them a good home. If I hear, I'll let you know. Probably they've been stolen by another 'sdf' as begging with dogs apparently brings better rewards.
We can but hope that some one thought these dogs needed a better life, though I doubt it, since someone like that would have likely asked first.
What a sad story ! The SDF that lost them must be pretty devastated. And the dogs confused by whatever changes they've had to endure since being stolen. People are such pigs to each other sometimes !
Hope you are having a wonderful Summer in the sunny South !
Having my dogs stolen is one of my biggers fears. My mums dog was taken by travellers but managed to get her back with the offer of a reward.
Lets hope these dogs find peace & love
Sad for the dogs. If they could only talk.
Oh Jilly so sad. I must say these are the best looking street dogs I have Ever seen.
I hope they are found soon!!!!
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