"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and all answers is contained in the dog." ~ Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
31 January 2009
The Performing Dogs at the Monte Carlo Circus - 4
This little Papillon or Papillon-mix is sitting at the back of the enclosure, not at all interested in the people looking in. Papillons are, by nature, a little wary of strangers so perhaps that accounts for it although a circus dog must have to meet all sorts, one would think.
Here you'll find photos of some of the wonderful dogs that live in - or are visiting - the French and Italian Rivieras and Monaco. Thanks so much for visiting. Woof woof!
Jilly the circus dogs are all lovely and I do hope the trainers are kind to them
PLEASE - no more photos of dogs behind bars !
I know what I'd do to those circus people if I met them, and it wouldn't ne nice...
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